Vanavond eten we rode kool (...) In Nederland zijn we met zo’n 7 miljoen volwassen vrouwen. Daarmee beschikken we over geweldig veel vermogen. Als opvoeder, inkoper, producent, stemgerechtigde en consument. Ik stel voor dat we beginnen met de macht van de boodschappentas en droom van een beweging van vrouwen die dagelijks afspreekt wat te kopen of juist te laten staan. Doet u mee? Vandaag kopen we Nederlandse groenten uit het seizoen. Er schijnt een overschot aan rode kool te zijn. lees meer op de NVR site On 11 and 12 May Jolande ter Borg and Nikolet Zwart represented CERES at the Floriade. In co-operation with the NVR (Dutch Women Council), Voedingscentrum, WILPF, St. Leef op Save, Veggie Challenge, DMC Food Service and hostesses of the KVO, many visitors were informed of a broad spectrum of topics related to Food Security, Food Safety and Healthy Food in general. It was a perfect ambiance and again many valuable connections were made for future co-operation. Half of April we began to ask people to become involved as an Ambassador, and thus become a member of our Ambassadors Team.It is heartwarming to see so many women took the plunge and reacted positively. Without anything being present to read or review (the website was not live yet and there is no movie until October 2012), they gave us their trust. Many thanks to our valuable Ambassadors Team! |
June 2015